Complete the donation form and your credit card will be charged a single time for the amounts you specify.
- Please fill out our Donation Form
- Please send it to the adress bellow we can not take credit cards @ this time.
- Please print out the receipt page for your receipt.
Optional Print and Mail Giving Form
Yes! I'll help Jmusic replenish its funding so it can continue Bringing the gospel across the street and around the world.
Enclosed is my gift of: $20 $50 $100 $_____.
Name: |
__________________________________________________ |
Address: |
__________________________________________________ |
City: |
__________________________________________________ |
__________________________ ZIP: ___________________ |
Email: |
__________________________________________________ |
Payment Method: |
Check enclosed (to Jmusic C/O Michael Kubisky ) |
Money Order enclosed |
Sorry we can not accept credit cards at this time. |
Signature: |
__________________________________________________ |
Telephone: |
(________) ________________________________________
CALL: (206) 824-5965 MAIL TO: Jmusic 1614 Kent Des Monines Rd, Seattle, WA 98198 E-Mail: Webmaster@jmuzic.zzn.com
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